Vaccine/Drug Temperature Monitoring
Hospitals and pharmacies are tasked to ensure proper temperature in the vaccine and drug storage so that vaccines can be ready for distribution. Some vaccines need to be stored in ultra-cold conditions from minus 70 to minus 90 degrees Celsius. Therefore, proper vaccine storage both during distribution and in hospital plays a very important role in maintaining vaccine efficacy. IoT technology can play a vital role in monitoring the temperature of vaccines since users can find their real-time temperature data and take appropriate actions when the temperature is not within the targeted range.
Sentenance AI enabled IoT Platform
Sentenance is an all-in-one solution applying IoT and AI Machine Learning to help protect the valuable vaccine supply with automated temperature monitoring and alerting. We provide the temperature sensor with a cryogenic temperature probe made of platinum resistance thermometers that can monitor storage units as cold as -328 °F (-200 °C). You will also benefit from our sensor collection to support a wide temperature range either from -50°C to 200 °C or from -200°C to 50 °C, depending on the pharmaceutical storage equipment. With our solution, doctors and admins will know whether the refrigeration units and freezers are working normally to keep the vaccine ready to use. In addition, they will receive real-time alerts by email or mobile push if the temperature within their vaccine and drug storage area is against the pre-configured thresholds.
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